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0 The British Era

In 1804 Rao Raja Bishan Singh (1773–1821) gave valuable assistance to Colonel Monson in his disastrous retreat before Holkar, in revenge for which the Maratha Empire and Pindaris continually ravaged his state and forced the kingdom to pay tribute up to 1817 This lead to Bishan Singh signing a treaty of alliance with the British East India Company on 10 February 1818 which bought him under their protection. Bishan Singh was responsible for the creation of pleasure palace of Sukh Niwas on the outskirts of Bundi.

Sukh Niwas Palace on the edge of the Jait Sagar tank, Bundi, Rajputana, where Rudyard Kipling was inspired to write Kim (1901).

Bishan Singh when dying of cholera entrusted Colonel James Tod with guardianship of his 11 year old son, Ram Singh. Maharao Raja Ram Singh (1821–89) grew up to be a much respected ruler who initiated economic and administrative reforms as well as establishing schools for the teaching of Sanskrit. On the throne for 68 years he was described as a grand specimen of the Rajput gentleman and "the most conservative prince in conservative Rajputana." His rule was popular and beneficial; and though during the mutiny of 1857 his attitude was equivocal, he continued to enjoy the confidence of the British, being created G.C.S.I. and a counsellor of the empire in 1877 and C.I.E. in 1878. He was succeeded by his adopted son Raghubir Singh (1889–1927), who was made a K.C.S.I. in 1897 and a G.C.I.E. in 1901. His reign was blighted by two disastrous famines which despite his best attempts to alleviated saw the population of his kingdom reduced from some 258,000 to 171,000 by 1901 due to death and immigration.[10] Raghubir Singh supported the British during the World War I.

Maharao Bahadur Singh (1945–77) also supported the British and served in the Burma campaign where he earned the Military Cross for his gallantry before succeeding to the throne.


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