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SUKH MAHAL Built by Maharao Umaid Singh in 1773, this magnificent Summer palace on the Jait Sagar Lake with lush garden & surroundings of a Aravali mountain range, stands 304 meters above the city and 595 meters above the sea level.During the 17th and 18 centuries, the banks of the Sukh Mahal (Jait Sagar) lake were the hot spot for Princes and their entourage to descend upon for days and nights of revelry. Sukh Mahal is not only stunning but airy too. The palace houses a finely manicured garden which was the perfect place for the members of the royal family to enjoy the summer evenings.In 1773 during Maharao Raja Vishnu Singh and Umed Singh's reign the lake for princes to engage in debauchery away from the prying eyes of the Rao. The Sukh Mahal was the venue of precisely such activities, Near the palace are the hilly jungles where rulers of Bundi and other state's would meet for the annual Aheria Boar hunt. While the Sukh Mahal was functional it had tunnels leading right into Garh palace where the Maharao Rao resided, just in case something went wrong and flight was necessary. The tunnels are now lost despite attempts to find them.The Sukhmahal has been restored to its old world charm and will be an experience of a lifetime, It is a fabulous example of the traditional Rajput style of architecture. Sukhmahal [2 suits] over looking the lake are open to guests recreating the same aura which has been in which Royalties of Bundi lived.


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